
Gino was adopted in january.  here is what his new mommy had to say:

I was playing with the laser light and had him running around. I just love him! I want to hold him so bad, but giving him time. The one day I had cut his nails and brushed him and he was no problem at all. He was purring, as he loved it! I will keep you posted, but just want you to know he is doing great.



Charley was adopted in October 2011.  His new parents simply adore him and wrote us this:


Within 5 minutes he was sitting on our laps and showering us in sandpaper kisses.  I was not expecting that!  He is fantastic, and by far the most affectionate cat I have ever met in my entire life.  One big orange fuzz of love!  We are so happy with him!   

I am also extremely pleased with S.A.V.E.  I have donated, volunteered, and adopted at other shelters/with other organizations before, but everyone I met with S.A.V.E. have been fantastic beyond words.  I can tell each and every person cares so much for every individual cat.  I am so glad there is an organization like yours out there.  As soon as my finances settle down from purchasing everything Charley would ever need (and more) last night, I would love to make a donation.  I would also LOVE to volunteer whenever I'm in the area!
Thank you all for bringing so much happiness to my and my fiance's life (and Charley's too!  I heard how he came to you, and it's so sad.  I promise to give him the most loving home possible!)!




This is Clarence cat, "the Brute" who I adopted on September 21, 2011 from SAVE..He is a wonderful cat and has already endeared himself to everyone! He is the friendliest cat that I ever had and he "talks" constantly. His favorite places are my bed and my lap.  Thank you to everyone at SAVE for taking such good care of him before I adopted him. Judy


Buddy Buddy (Neurological impaired and blind in one eye)


Our babies Pumpkin and Midnight were adopted by a wonderful family. We could not figure out why they werent adopted sooner, but now we know. They were waiting just for her. Congratulations!


Our Moe and Larry were adopted by thier foster Mom Gail! They were the bullies at the center but lambs at her home.


Special Thanks to Louise Foster mom who fell in love with our Remy and Mr. Bibbs and gave them a forever home.


Desi and Lucy have finally found their forever homes! It may have taken some time but it was worth it to keep them together and find the wonderful family that took them.


Michael Angelo has left the building! Our bigger than life boy has found someone to give him big hugs.


We are thrilled to say that our Spooky and Sach have found there forever home, TOGETHER! There new family said they are doing great and they renamed Spooky to Slip. So they are like Sach & Slip just like the Bowery Boys.


Our Teddy Bear went home today. He was sooo shy but a sweet little boy.


Our Fanny had gotten a new home with drumroll......... Peter Criss from KISS and his lovely wife Gigi! Yes we adopted a cat to the Catman Himself! Fanny was a tough girl the first few days but thankfully they gave her the time and love she needed and is doing wonderful.


We are so happy to say that Michele (our girl who came to us with such severe ear infections she was unable to stand) had found her forever home. Her new mom takes great care of her and thrilled to have her. We are so happy.


Well Lucky had finally had his stroke of Luck!!! At our adopt a thon a wonderful man looked beyond the cute kittens and saw Lucky and how awsome was. They are doing great!


Salem our big beautiful boy has been adopted. Salem was abandoned at a local store and was so sweet but a little shy. When Salem went home his new owner named him Kitty. He feel very ill shortly after blocked with crystals and his new owner went above and beyond to save him. We are forever greatful.


Marina our little Yenta Has found her new home! She is doing great.